Foot strap

Padded foot strap for increased comfort

With a foot strap you can easily position the foot. Our foot strap i available with or without pad. Choose betwen velcro or buckle. The foot strap is mounted in the foot plate. 

Foot strapBandwidth
Foot strap w. velcro, 45 cm25 mm
Foot strap w. velcro, 60 cm25 mm
Foot strap w. velcro/pad, 45 cm20 mm
Foot strap w. velcro/pad, 60 cm20 mm
Foot strap w. buckle/pad, 45 cm20 mm
Foot strap w. buckle/pad, 60 cm20 mm

: Pull the foot strap through the two rear grooves in the foot plate from below. Keep in mind that the Velcro comes with the right side up and that the drawbar comes out. The soft side of the Velcro should therefore be on the outside and upside down. Foot straps are supplied in pairs.